We specialise in:
1. Role-play
For use in standardised patient programmes or OSCE assessments. We can design workshops to suit your requirements or work with previously written role play scripts and scenarios. Our actors use cognitive, auditory, visual, tactile, psychological and emotional cues to help the candidate get the best out of the time allocated.
2. Confederates in high fidelity manikin based simulation
Our actors have strong interpersonal skills and are trained to act as confederates in scenarios requiring a number of practitioners, sometimes taking on the role of medical practitioners.
3. Hybrid Simulation
Our actors are skilled at portraying the role of patients undergoing technical procedures and are skilled at learning and understanding the procedures and the emotions associated with various technical practices.
4. Feedback
Clinicians in a real-world scenario are unable to ask a patient how well they communicated. The feedback element is a practical device aimed at facilitating swifter and more thorough training for the medical practitioner. Our actors provide feedback in a structured format and can be part of the overall assessment process.